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1.Factors of Production

2.Economies of Scale

3.Net Export

4.Communicative Translation


6.Flat Organizational Structure

7.Public Good

8.the Butterfly Effect











17.Once conform, once do what other people do finer than they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul. He becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.

18. W hat's most straight appears devious; the greatest skill appears clumsiness; the greatest eloquence seems like stuttering.

19. How will artificial intelligence affect our life? Without any doubt, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a significant role in our life. But is AI a blessing or a curse? Public concern has arisen about the potential disadvantages brought about by the quick development of AI I personally believe that its advantage exceeds its disadvantage for the following reasons.

The primary fact we need to take into consideration is that AI has become an indispensable part in people's life. For example, the technology of fingerprint identification is a kind of typical and mature AI. Now it has been widely used in a various number of fields including cellphone industry, security system, economic and social management and so on. Take the Apple for instance, the iPhone with fingerprint authentication technology will enable users to skip a password and identify themselves to their iPhone simply by pressing the home button. People enjoy its comfort and convenience and already become used to it. As a consequence, we can't live without it. It's also one of the most succesful AI application cases in our life.

Another fact we have to admit is that the arrival of strong artificial intelligence has been inevitable for decades even though there exist some voices of disharmony and opposition. With the increasing of competition in society and fast pace of life, people need AI to change their current approaches and improve efficiency. The development of social productive forces and science and technology represents the trend of the times. One day, our grandchildren are going to look back on us just like the same way we look at the upright ape, living in dust, with crude language and tools.

However, it seems that people have seen so many awful scenes in science fiction movies that the earth was destroyed by the AI robots, they start to bring the anxiety into reality. Apparently there is a distinct difference between a computer and a human mind. Since they have the ability to invent them, the scientists are also capable of destroying AI before they get out of control and destroy the earth. In conclusion, of crucial importance is, in my view, that how to make full use of AI to improve living quality instead of worrying about it.


20.子日:“吾十有五而志于学, 三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。”
















9. positioning: it is a marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a distinct position, relative to competing brands, in the mind of the customer.

10.Maritime Silk Road: it started from China 's south-east coastal regions, traversing a vast expanse of oceans and seas to countries in Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe.

This trading route that connects the East and the W est, had enhanced the exchanges of commodities, people and culture among countries situated on the road.

11.parallel text: it is a corresponding original text in different languages.

12. first mover advantage: in marketing strategy, it is the advantage gained by the initial significant occupant of a market segment.

13.moderately prosperous society: it is a Chinese term used to refer to China's development goals. Achieving a "moderately prosperous society" includes not only a target for income and consumption but also development of education, health, environmental improvement and other strategic factors.

14.ethnology study: it refers to the study of ethnology, which is the branch of anthropology that compares and analyzes the characteristics of different peoples and the relationships between them.

15.family of procreation; it refers to the family that is formed through marriage and by having or a-dopting children.

16.licensed product: it is a product whose development, manufacturing, marketing,and sales has been licensed by the brand owner to others who want to use the brand in association with a product, for an agreed period of time, within an agreed territory.







20. The Master said, "At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I had planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.

21. I'll never forget the days when I enjoyed the spring rain in my native place as a small child. I would go upstairs to take a distant look. The faraway mountains were veiled in a misty rain. The villages were now visible, now invisible. The wet open country was fresh and serene.

22.In the past five years, the Chinese economy registered an average annual growth of over 7% , contributing 30% to global growth and also boosting the economies of ASEAN countries. In cumulative terms, China's import from ASEAN has surpassed US $ 1 tillion and its direct investment in ASEAN has reached US$36 billion in the same period. This has made China an important export market and source of investment for ASEAN countries. As the Chinese economy enters a stage of high-quality growth, new drivers are fast emerging. Given its robust strength, strong resilience and huge potential, the Chinese economy can well maintain sound growth for years to come. China is a country of over 1. 3 billion people. Its rising household income, expanding middle-income group and increasingly diversified consumption has ensured China' s place as the most promising growth market in the world.

China is also a major outward investor with abundant foreign exchange reserve and a growing number of companies who are both willing and able to explore the global market. All these will create new opportunities for China-ASEAN business cooperation and give a new impetus to our common development. China does not seek trade surpluses. We will import more competitive goods from ASEAN countries.

We hope that all ASEAN countries will ratify the protocol on upgrading China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as soon as possible. We are ready to complete the negotiations on the product specific rules of origin with the ASEAN side at an early date to deliver the benefits of the upgraded FTA to our companies and people in the nearest future. China will work with ASEAN countries to actively advance RCEP negotiations, further promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in the region, and lay the foundation for the building of an East Asia economic community.

Next year, China will continue to provide grant assistance to ASEAN. We are ready to conclude the Memorandum of Understanding between China and ASEAN on helping Cambodia and Myanmar to establish animal disease control and prevention laboratories at an early date.

China's advanced industrial capacity as well as cost effective equipment are well-suited to the development needs of ASEAN countries. China stands ready to work with ASEAN countries to implement the Joint Statement Between China and ASEAN on Production Capacity Cooperation issued last year, including jointly building trade and industrial cooperation parks and facilitating the launch of major projects of international industrial capacity cooperation. We should together develop better integrated industrial, value and logistics chains that will help boost growth and deliver more widely shared benefits. China is keen to enhance financial cooperation with ASEAN countries in the course of RMB's internationalization, expand the scale of local currency settlement, facilitate the development of local currency bond markets, and promote the use of local currency in regional investment and trade.

China will set up a China-ASEAN Inter-bank Association Special Loan equivalent to RMB 10 billion to support our cooperation projects.


关键字: 【责任编辑:小青】
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