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Part I Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning or choose the most appropriate to complete each sentence. (每小题0.5分,共10)

1. The thought of giving a speech in public prompted her to feel nervous and fidgety.

A. alluring

B. stern

C. intact

D. restless

2. Friendliness was so palpable in the room that everyone there talked freely and happily.

A. obvious

B. primal

C. petty

D. conspicuous

3. Having a seven-hour sleep everyday provides him with spiritual gratification.

A. proliferation

B. satisfaction

C. fragmentation

D. intuition

4. A person tends to moan if he or she suffers physical or spiritual pain.

A. mutter

B. menace

C. groan

D. murmur

5. He showed his grievance against me by refusing to cooperate with me.

A. adversity in

B. restraint of

C. discontent with

D. resiliency in

6. You should check whether the door is locked prior to leaving your dormitory.

A. before

B. ahead

C. right after

D. the moment

7. He examined the painting minutely for an hour and drew a conclusion that it was a fake.

A. desperately

B. cosmically

C. carefully

D. drastically

8. Tired and listless, he was shuffling to his dormitory, dragging his feet along.

A. trudging

B. stumbling

C. racing

D. sidling

9. The government was preparing to dispatch hundreds of soldiers to search the island.

A. send

B. disclose

C. counterpoise

D. allure

10. Coal and petrol are _____ resources that we should utilize rationally.

A. exhausted

B. exhausting

C. exhaustible

D. exhaustive

11. It is wrong to dodge paying taxes.

A. clasp

B. evade

C. profess

D. unfurl

12. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look.

A. efficiently

B. reverently

C. discreetly

D. invariably

13. He is most likely to become a person of _____ after years of frustration and no success in his career.

A. egoism

B. optimism

C. cynicism

D. romanticism

14. Don't beat around the bush; please come to the point directly without _____

A. perception

B. prevarication

C. preoccupation

D. temptation

15. The wood warped _____ under pressure.

A. bent

B. elevated

C. confounded

D. astounded

16. Her repeated lies have _____ our confidence in her.

A. feigned

B. underlined

C. undermined

D. tangled

17. The company has acceded to most of the strikers' demands.

A. given in to

B. given up

C. agreed to

D. disagreed to

18. He has undergone several operations to prevent the _____ of cancer cells.

A. lubrication

B. proliferation

C. contortion

D. distinction

19. Earth's _____ atmosphere is essential for life.

A. ubiquitous

B. generous

C. mysterious

D. eccentric

20. I feel it very extravagant and unnecessary to spend $2000 on a dress.

A. venerable

B. debonair

C. prosaic

D. luxurious .

Part II Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in the parenthesis. (每小题 1分,共20)

1. By 2002, the corporation was making a loss, for price had fallen _____ as advanced economies underwent a profound transition. (catastrophe)

2. Johnson isn't tired of Tokyo, it seems, but appearances can be _____ (deceive)

3. The minister had decided not to release a statement explaining the reason of his resignation, but later, he _____ and let it out. (relentless)

4.Hewasinan _____ mood on the night of the party. (expand)

5. Trends toward the _____ of industry have dramatically affected food production in that country, (globe)

6. She isaTV _____ and watches as much as she can. ( addiction)

7. Arguments for and against the _____ of God have been proposed by scientists, philosophers, theologians, and others. (exist)

8. The _____ black landscape is the virtual opposite of the postcard stereotype of lush Hawaii. (earthly)

9. When having a fall, old people are more likely to be seriously injured because of the _____ of their bones.(fragile)

10. Starvation and disease over much of Asia and Europe in the 1950s were Truman's _____ as President. (inherit)

11. He has won tremendous popularity by virtue of his _____ to his colleagues. (generous)

12. A real _____, Miss Evans does not allow any slightest mistakes in her students' compositions. (precise)

13. He showed much _____ in handling the delicate situation. (discreet)

14. Their _____ problems started soon after they adopted the child. (marry)

15. There have been many complaints about the young coach's _____ and lack of judgment. (mature)

16. Benjamin Franklin's father used to _____ him for his performances. (ridiculous)

17. Huckleberry Finn knew that he couldn't pray a lie and he would commit the crime of _____ if he was playing double. ( blaspheme)

18. Many young women have _____ ideas about marriage. (poetry)

19. The _____ of human species has been a long process. (evolve)

20. An assortment of junk food from a machine had been _____ placed outside my room. (strategy)

Part III Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words (每小题 1,10)

1. Caffeine is a stimulant which acts on the nervous system. _____

2. When he reflected on his marriage he had to acknowledge that it was a great mistake. _____

3. The party leader hadn't actually ruled out proposals on electoral reform. _____

4. They tried every means to step up production. _____

5. In light of the muddy field, the football team put on their rubbers. _____

6. But this was not even half the man. _____

7. It never occurred to me that he was a double-faced man. _____

8. You look very fed up. What's wrong with you? _____

9. Yet the bombing of Nagasaki is in certain respects the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger that still hangs over us. _____

10. For Marx was. before all else a revolutionist. _____

Part IV Fill in each blank with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. (每小题2分,共10)

come into one's own     hammer out     go through

boast off     break through     come into existence

in earnest     carve out     pick on

1. This nation _____ an irrevocable change after the World War II.

2. She _____ a name for herself as a leading lawyer specializing in intellectual property rights protection.

3. She was _____ when she told her parents that she'd like to join the army after graduation.

4. The nation of Pakistan _____ in August 1947 as a result of the British rulers' divide-and-rule policies.

5. The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to _____ a peace agreement.

Part V Summary Writing (每小题1分,共20)

Directions: Summarize the following paragraph within 60 words.

Good students show many superior qualities, among which curiosity, discipline and initiative are most important. They are highly interested in a variety of things. They always observe the outside world and learn what is going on before their eyes. Accompanying their curiosity is their “investigative spirit," for they regard the learning process as an investigation. Based on their fresh observation and painstaking investigation, they form a new understanding. It is clear to them that there are no gains without pains. They believe that without persistence, they can hardly taste the delicious fruit of learning and that any monumental achievement stems from the accumulation of numerous minor achievements. They are always ready to meet a difficult challenge, take their own initiative in exploring possibilities and discover their own answers through practice, instead of getting them from their teachers, for they never expect to be spoon-fed. Of course, aspiring students should pay sufficient heed to some important points. For instance, they should be attentive in class, avoid lateness and appreciate constructive criticism.

Part VI Writing. (每小题30分,共30)


Write a composition in 300 words on the following topic with a clear thesis statement and effective supporting arguments.

Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence?

For better or worse, artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to have a huge impact on the future of humanity. As new promises and concerns reach increasingly mainstream audiences, the debate is starting to capture the public imagination. The present world witnesses invention and use of various AI technologies, some of whom even can play games with human and defeat the latter. Such being the case, many are worried that AI will surpass human beings in intelligence and enslave them, while others believe that the human mind will always be superior because AI is nothing but a creation of human mind. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 300 words.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support your thesis with appropriate arguments and details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.



关键字: 桂林理工大学   考研真题   【责任编辑:小青】
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