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Part B


Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A -G for each numbered paragraph (41 - 45). There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

[A] Make It a Habit.

[B] Don't Go It Alone.

[C] Start Low, Go Slow.

[D] Talk With Your Doctor.

[E] Listen to Your Body.

[F] Go Through the Motions.

[G] Round Out Your Routine

How to Get Active Again

Getting back into exercise can be a challenge in the best of times, but with gyms and in-person exercise classes off-limits to many people these days, it can be tricky to know where to start. And it's important to get the right dose of activity.“Too much too soon either results in injury or burnout," says Mary Yoke, PhD, a faculty member in the kinesiology department at Indiana University in Bloomington. The following simple strategies will help you return to exercise safely after a break.


Don't try to go back to what you were doing before your break. If you were walking 3 miles a day, playing 18 holes of golf three times a week, or lifting 10-pound dumbbells for three sets of 10 reps, reduce activity to half a mile every other day, or nine holes of golf once a week with short walks on other days, or use 5-pound dumbbells for one set of 10 reps. Increase time, distance, and intensity gradually. “This isn't something you can do overmight," says Keri L. Denay, MD, lead author of a recent American College of Sports Medicine advisory that encourages Americans to not overlook the benefits of activity during the pandemic. But you will reap benefits such as less anxiety and improve sleep right away.


If you're breathing too hard to talk in complete sentences, back off. If you feel good, go a little longer or faster. Feeling wiped out after a session? Go easier next time.

And stay alert to serious symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure, severe shortness of breath or dizziness, or faintness, and seek medical attention immediately.


Consistency is the key to getting stronger and building endurance and stamina. Ten minutes of activity per day is a good start, says Marcus Jackovitz, DPT, a physical therapist at the University of Miami Hospital. All the experts we spoke with highly recommend walking because ifs the easiest, most accessible form of exercise. Althoughit can be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get back to Zumba classes, tennis, cycling, or any other activity, walking is also a great first step.

Even if you can't yet do a favorite activity, you can practice the moves. With or without a club or racket, swing like you' re hitting the ball. Paddle like you're in a kayak or canoe. Mimic your favorite swimming strokes. The action will remind you of the joy the activity brought you and prime your muscles for when you can get out there again.


Exercising with others“can keep you accountable and make it more fun, so you're more likely to do it again," Jackovitz says. You can do activities such as golf and tennis or take a walk with others and still be socially distant. But when you can't connect in person, consider using technology. Chat on the phone with a friend while you walk around your neighborhood. FaceTime with a relative as you strength train or stretch at home. You can also join a livestream or on-demand exercise class.




【解析】第二段先指出不要试图恢复中断之前的运动水平,随后列举具体运动案例,明确如何减少运动量,并总结指出应循序渐进地增加运动强度、时间和距离,C项“低起步,慢慢来”与该段主旨相符,其中Start low与段中reduce activity 语义相关,Go Slow对应Increase. .. gradually。



【解析】第三段围绕运动者的身体反应提出建议:如果喘得太厉害,就停下来;如果没有不良反应,就可以多运动- -会儿;并对一些严重的症状保持警惕,如果不适的症状过于明显,那么需要立即寻求治疗。可见,第三段建议运动者时刻关注自己的身体状况,运动时要根据身体的不同反应来调整运动量,E项“倾听身体的声音”准确概括该段主旨,其中Listen to与段中stay alert to近义,段中的breathing 、feel. Feeling、symptoms等是your body的具体体现。

C项Go Slow虽与段中back off .Go easier所传达的“停下来”或“慢慢来”之意相符,但②句明确指出如果运动时感觉良好,可以增长运动时间或者提高运动的速度。可见,第三段并非一味强调“要从低基础开始慢慢加码”,而更侧重于强调“根据身体的反应来调整运动的强度和节奏”,故可排除C项。D项的Doctor虽与段中末句的medical attention语义相关,但本段末句仅针对严重的身体症状提议“立即寻求治疗",并未明确指出要“与医生交谈”,D项无法正确概括段意,故排除。



【解析】 第四段首先点明坚持不懈是增强体力、耐力和毅力的关键因素,随后提出具体可行的建议“每天步行十分钟”并说明原因。由此可见,第四段强调运动不在时长和强度,而在于每天的坚持,也就是说要将运动变成每天的习惯。A项契合本段段意,故正确。

C项的GoSlow所体现的“慢慢来”看似是段中the easiest"最简单的”之意的体现,但本段重在强调将“每天十分钟运动”这一运动方式的简单易行、可坚持,而非强调“要慢慢增加运动强度”,故排除C项。G项的Round Out“完善”之意虽然与段中的a good start a great first step 所传递的“步行可以作为其他运动形式的补充和过渡”之意相近,但本段段末彰显“步行”的好处,是为了例证“每天运动十分钟”这一建议的可操作性,G项“完善你的常规锻炼”无法概括本段主旨,故排除。



【解析】 第五段观点鲜明,呈“总一分”的论证模式,围绕“练习动作”这一中心话题展开。首句先引出中心话题“练习动作”,随后以击球、划船、游泳等运动为例,具体解释如何在不具备相关器械或条件的情况下练习动作,末句指出练习动作的益处。F项“练习动作”精确概括本段段意,其中,Go Through近义复现段中的practice, Motions近义复现段中的moves..

G项的Round Out、Routine虽然与段中的prime moves近义,但第五段侧重强调在不能去打球、划船或游泳的情况下,练习击球、划桨和游泳等动作,以调动运动状态,且prime强调“这些练习会使肌肉为恢复运动做好准备”,并非指完善锻炼组合,G项无法准确概括段落大意。



【解析】第六段首先指出与他人一起锻炼有益处:让人约束自己,增加运动的乐趣,从而促使运动者再次运动。随后探讨了疫情背景下的两种选择:选择高尔夫、网球、步行等可保持社交距离的运动;充分利用网络技术,在独自运动时与家人朋友交流,或是参与线上课程与他人实时一起锻炼。 B项“不要单独行动”是对这些建议的准确概括,Don't Go It Alone近义复现段中Exercising with others。


关键字: 【责任编辑:小青】











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