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广西民族大学2022年考研真题:357 英语翻译基础


升研教育考研频道为23考研、24考研的同学们整理了“广西民族大学2022年考研真题:357 英语翻译基础”的相关信息,希望对正在备考的你有所帮助。考研复习效率不高怎么办?自己备考抓不住重点?想报考985/211等热门院校,但是没把握?升研教育推出考研集训营,全日制封闭式面授,10余年授课经验的老师,浓厚的学习氛围助你冲击目标、一战上研!

广西民族大学2022年考研真题:357 英语翻译基础

科目代码及名称:357 英语翻译基础

适用专业:055101   英语笔译、055102   英语口译

Part I Terminology and Phrase Translation (30%)

1. Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into Chinese (15 points).

(1) Covid-19

(2) UK Culture Secretary

(3) figure skating

(4) genetic sequence

(5) glacial pace

(6) low-carbon cement

(7) net zero

(8) PPE (personal protective equipment)

(9) self-isolation

(10) social distancing

(11) speed skating

(12) superspreader

(13) trouble shooter

(14) Vlog

(15) walking papers

2. Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into English (15 points).

(1) 躺平

(2) 内卷

(3) 双减

(4) 生物多样性保护

(5) 灾害性天气

(6) 学费减免

(7) 闭环管理

(8) 拉闸限电

(9) 警戒水位

(10) 教师轮岗

(11) 留守儿童

(12) 疫苗的可及性和可负担性

(13) 考古发现

(14) 双循环

(15) 核废水

Part II Passage Translation (120%)

1. Translate the following into Chinese (60 points).

They were all on the stage. They weren’t only the audience, not only looking on; they were acting.

Even she had a part and came every Sunday. No doubt somebody would have noticed if she hadn’t been there; she was part of the performance after all. How strange she’d never thought of it like that before! And yet it explained why she made such a point of starting from home at just the same time each week—so as not to be late for the performance—and it also explained why she had quite a queer, shy feeling at telling her English pupils how she spent her Sunday afternoons. No wonder! She nearly laughed out loud.

She was on the stage. She thought of the old invalid gentleman to whom she read the newspaper four afternoons a week while he slept in the garden. She had got quite used to the frail head on the cotton pillow, the hollowed eyes, the open mouth and the high pinched nose. If he’d been dead she mightn’t have noticed for weeks; she wouldn’t have minded. But suddenly he knew he was having the paper read to him by an actress!

2. Translate the following into English (60 points).




关键字: 考研真题   【责任编辑:小青】
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