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Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (30%)

Section One: Choose from A, B, C or D the ONE that best completes the sentence, and mark your choice on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points, I point each).

1. Should the government have adopted a system that facilitated lobbying among interest groups, it would have been caught in a_____ cycle of endless debates.

A. self-proclaimed

B. self-perpetuating

C. self-possessed

D. self-preserved

[答案] D

[解析]句意:如果政府采用一种有利于利益集团之间游说的制度,它将会陷入一个充满无休止辩论的自我保护循环。self- preserved自我保护的。self- proclaimed自我宣称的,自 称的。self-perpetuating 自我延续的,自我持续的。self-possessed 镇静的。因此,本题的正确答案为D.

2. As for investors _____ by the prolonged slump of the stock market and few appealing wealth management products, the low risk and high returns are particularly attractive.

A. dispirited

B. disspirited

C. dispiriting

D. spirited

[答案] A

[解析]句意:对于长期低迷的股票市场和缺乏吸引力的理财产品而灰心丧气的投资者来说,低风险、高回报的理财产品尤其具有吸引力。dispirited 意志消沉的。disspirited 这个词是错误的。dispiriting 令人意志消沉的。spirited 意志坚强的。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

3. Now that there is a_____ of entertainment channels, there is no need for four extravagant TV shows for the same occasion.

A. scarcity

B. abundance

C. dearth

D. surfeit

[答案] C

[解析]句意:由于娱乐频道的缺乏,没有必要在同-场合播放四部奢侈的电视节目。dearth匮乏。scarcity稀缺性。abundance 大量。surfeit 过量。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

4. The mutual interests of the US and China ___ US political changes although it will take time to see how Trump's China policy develops after he takes office.

A. are subjected to

B. are not subject to

C. will not subject to

D. will be subjected to

[答案] B

[解析]句意:美国和中国的共同利益不受美国政治变化的影响,但特朗普上台后的对华政策如何发展尚需时日。be not subject to不受....影响。因此,本题的正确答案为B.

5. WVR (Weighted Voting Rights) refers to a corporate governance structure that gives certain shareholders voting power or other related rights ____ to their stockholding.

A. disproportioned

B. disproportional

C. disproportionate

D. disproportioning

[答案] C

[解析]句意:加权表决权是指赋予特定股东与其持股比例不相称的表决权或其他相关权利的公司治理结构。disproportionate 不成比例的。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

6. Many believe that some measures under China's 13th Five- Year Plan for development in the 2016- 2020 period that_____the world economic situation can inject dynamic power into the global economic growth.

A. in line with

B. are lined up

C. mesh with

D. mess with

[答案] C

[解析]句意:许多人认为,中国“十三五”规划中与世界经济形势相适应的一-些举措,可以为世界经济增长注入动力。mesh with与...相吻合,相适应。mess with卷入不好的事情。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

7. The most popular loans are balloon products charging no interest, while the most common Wealth management contracts attract several percentage points of an annualized_____

A. rate of return

B. rate of interests

C. rate of deposit

D. rate of pay

[答案] B

[解析]句意:最受欢迎的贷款是不收取利息的气球产品,而最常见的财富管理合同吸引的年利率只有几个百分点。rate of interests利率。rate of return回报率。rate of deposit存款率。rate of pay支付率。因此,本题的正确答案为B.

8. It is a mental problem W here people have recurring obsessions and _____ which develop to such an extent that those actions become a handicap to their daily life.

A. impulse

B. impulsion

C. compulsion

D. compulsions

[答案] D

[解析]句意:这是一种心理问题,人们有反复的困扰和强迫,发展到这种程度,这些行为成为他们日常生活的障碍。complusion 强迫,强烈欲望,是可数名词。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

9. The innovative Cykathlon competition, an outdoor sport which features long-distance running, cycling and kayaking, is expected to cater the growing passion for outdoor exercise among China's ever-increasing sports _____in addition to triathlon, or ironman race.

A. patriots

B. extremes

C. fanatic

D. zealots

[答案] D

[解析]句意:这项创新的赛凯龙(Cykathlon)比赛是-项以长跑、自行车和皮划艇为特色的户外运动,除了铁人三项外,预计还将迎合中国日益增长的体育狂热者对户外运动日益增长的热情。zealot狂热者。patriot爱国者。extreme 极端。fanatic 狂热。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

10. Before taking the plunge with your hard-earned cash, it's necessary to keep in mind that the stock market remains_____uncertainties.

A. fraught with

B. fraudulent with

C. fledged with

D. flaunted with

[答案] A

[解析]句意:在用你的血汗钱冒险之前,有必要记住,股市仍然充满不确定性。fraught with 充满了。fraudulent with 欺诈。fledged with成熟的。flaunted with夸耀。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

11. Better cooperation would strengthen the economic foundations, extend prosperity to the furthest reaches of the region and allow it to play an important role in the world_____with its size and economic importance.

A. commensurated

B. commensurate

C. incommensurate

D. incommensurable

[答案] B

[解析]句意:加强合作,可以夯实经济基础,把繁荣延伸到最遥远的地区,使之在世界上发挥与其规模和经济重要性相称的重要作用。commensurate 相称的,相配的。因此,本题的正确答案为B.

12. Though the artistic______and aesthetic tastes of these three writers are quite different from each other, their loyalty to history helps explain why they all pic ked old-fashioned realism above other prevalent literary styles.

A. homogeneity

B. individualism

C. idiosyncrasies

D. similarities

[答案] C

[解析]句意:尽管这三位作家的艺术特质和审美趣味各不相同,但他们对历史的忠诚有助于解释,为什么他们都选择了传统的现实主义,而不是其他流行的文学风格。idiosyncrasy 特质。homogeneity 同质性。individualism 个人主义。similarity 相似性。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

13. Agribusiness, agrochemical and pharmaceutical companies are now working together to produce highly processed, “enriched" and “'modified” foods that are being marketed to consumers through global hypermarket chains,_____small-scale producers and short and direct distribution chains such as Community Supported Agriculture.

A. without detriment to

B. to the detriment of

C. of benefit to

D. profitable for

[答案] B

[解析]句意:农业综合企业、农化公司和制药公司现在正在共同努力生产高度加工的、“浓缩的”和“改良的”食品,这些食品通过全球大型连锁超市向消费者销售,损害了小规模生产者和短而直接的分销链,如社区支助农业。to the detriment of损害。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

14. This fertile land has survived the_____of time, and is the silent witness of every major historical event taking place in the country.

A. downside

B. upside down

C. up and down

D. ups and downs

[答案] D

[解析]句意:这片肥沃的土地经受住了时间的侵蚀,是这个国家发生的每一-件重大历史事件的无声见证。ups and downs上下起伏:来回往复;颠簸侵蚀。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

15. Thanks to rapidly evolving market dynamics, more private enterprises are actively exploring the US and EU markets to pursue_____technologies or quality intellectual property for the China market.

A. upfront

B. cutting-edge

C. expensive

D. luxuriant

[答案] B

[解析]句意:随着市场动态的快速发展,越来越多的民营企业积极开拓美国和欧盟市场,为中国市场寻求前沿技术或优质知识产权。cutting-edge 尖端的。upfront 前期的。expensive 昂贵的。luxuriant 华丽的。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

16. Some experts said that the reforms w ill not end speculation involving new shares among Chinese investors. On the contrary, an anticipated surge in the number of new listings may spark what was famously called______

A .irrational exuberance

B. irrational pessimism

C. great recession

D. economic malaise

[答案] A

[解析]句意:一些专家表示,改革不会结束中国投资者对新股的投机行为。相反,预期中的新股上市数量激增,可能会引发一种著 名的“非理性繁荣”现象。irrational exuberance非理性繁荣,符合题意。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

17. Many modern films also include disgustingly graphic and______examples of violence, which harden the viewers to think of hurting someone as normal.

A. gratituous

B. graticious

C. gratuitous

D. gracious

[答案] C

[解析]句意:许多现代电影也包含了令人厌恶的图片和无端的暴力例子,这些暴力让观众觉得伤害他人是正常的。gratuitous 无端的,没有理由的;免费的。gracious 亲切的,和蔼的;因此,本题的正确答案为

18. Despite being beaten in some competitiveness lists by other___cities, Guangzhou still attracts the interest of a host of companies.

A. burgeoning

B. burgeon

C. retrogressive

D. sluggish

[答案] A

[解析]句意:尽管在一些竞争力排行榜上被其他新兴城市击败,广州仍然吸引了许多公司的兴趣。burgeoning萌芽的;蓬勃发展的。burgeon 发芽。retrogressive 后退的,衰退的。sluggish 缓慢的。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

19. Housing authorities in more than 20 cities have launched various measures against._____buying to curb rapid home price growth, including setting stricter requirements for qualified buyers, higher down payments and limits on buying second and third homes.

A. contingency

B. emergency

C. speculational

D. speculative

[答案] D


20. Arbitrage opportunities are the hot money 's major target in China's domestic futures market. The demand from Chinese investors and consumers becomes the_____that tempts foreign hedge funds firms to China.

A. deviance

B. enticement

C. volitation

D. heterogeneity

[答案] B

[解析]句意:套利机会是热钱在中国国内期货市场的主要目标。中国投资者和消费者的需求成为吸引外国对冲基金公司进入中国的诱因。enticement 诱因;诱惑。deviance 偏差。volitation 飞行。 heterogeneity 异质性。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

Section Two Identify Stylistic Problems (10 points, 1 point each)

Identify the stylistic problem with each of the following sentences by choosing from A, B, C or D. Mark your choice and write your correct sentence on the ANSWER SHEET.

21. US President-elect Donald Trump has vowed not to honor the Trans -Pacific Partnership pact. Trump will take office in January. TPP is a trade deal. It was pursued by President Barack Obama.

A. comma splice

B. correct

C. choppy

D. fragment

[答案] C


22. Major Chinese property investment deals are still forging ahead in Britain as China's appetite for UK property remains strong, despite fears that buyers might turn their backs on the market because of Brexit.

A. correct

B. run on

C. comma splice

D. choppy

[答案] A


23. Amazon is doing things differently from Alibaba and Amazon buys products and sells them so they have inventory but Alibaba is just a market place so they just connect buyers and sellers.

A. comma splice

B. fragment

C. stringy

D. correct

[答案] C

[解析]句意:亚马逊的做法与阿里巴巴不同,亚马逊购买产品并销售,所以他们有库存,但阿里巴巴只是一个市场,所以他们只是联系买家和卖家。这句话使用了过多了连接词,构成了stringy 问题。因此,本题的正确答案为C.

24. A CCTV report has revealed how your goods purchased online are treated at the sorting centers of express delivery companies. The packets are thrown randomly four or five meters away, used as“ chairs" and kicked down from trucks to the ground despite the labels saying “fragile" clearly evident on them.

A. run on

B. correct

C. fragment

D. stringy

[答案] B


25. The forum which aims to enhance people- to-people exchanges, create an information platform for countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, and enable enterprises to hold dialogues and further promote development in the cultural, creative and information industries.

A. correct

B. run on

C. choppy

D. fragment

[答案] D

[解析]句意:论坛旨在加强人文交流,为“一带- -路”沿线国家搭建信息平台,让企业开展对话,进一步推动文化创意信息产业发展。主句缺乏谓语部分,因此句子缺乏成分。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

26. With the global economy showing signs of recovery, more projects are reaching the implementation stage, cross-border connections are becoming more sophisticated, financing support is gradually strengthening.

A. comma splice

B. choppy

C. fragment

D. correct

[答案] A

[解析]句意:随着全球经济显露复苏迹象,更多项目进入实施阶段,跨境联系日趋复杂,融资支持逐步加强。句子中缺乏连接词,但是并不缺少逗号,所以问题是comma splice.因此,本题的正确答案为A。

27. A total of 111 of the 193 parties who sealed the Paris Agreement in December last year had ratified the agreement when the latest conference closed, however, further negotiations are needed on issues involving the interests of developing countries.

A. correct

B. run on

C. fragment

D. comma splice

[答案] D .

[解析]句意:在去年12月签署《巴黎协定》的193个缔约国中,共有111个在最近一次会议结束时批准了《协定》,但是需要就涉及发展中国家利益的问题进行进一步谈判。however作为一个副词不能连接前后两个句子,其前后又有逗号隔开,所以问题是comma splice。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

28. Traditional media provide the same content for all readers technology has made it possible for media to provide personalized content for every reader.

A. fragment

B. correct

C.run on.

D. stringy

[答案] C

[解析]句意:传统媒体为所有读者提供相同的内容,技术使媒体为每个读者提供个性化的内容成为可能。两个完整的句子之间缺少合适的连接词连接,所以问题是run on。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

29. Non-capital functions, including manufacturing, logistics, wholesale markets, partial functions of public service, gradually being phased out to ease Beijing's “urban disease".

A. correct

B. choppy

C. comma splice

D. fragment

[答案] D


30. The news that Bob Dylan had won this year s Nobel Prize for Literature as a surprise to many Chinese, who had showed sympathy for Japanese writer Haruki Murakami.

A. correct

B. fragment

C. choppy .

D. run on

[答案] A

[解析]句意:鲍勃●迪伦 获得今年诺贝尔文学奖的消息令许多中国人感到意外,他们对日本作家村上春树表示了同情。这个句子没有问题。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)

Read the following four passages and answer the questions according to the requirements. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the corresponding letter A, B, c or D.

Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points, 2 points each).

Britain's national newspapers registered their profound shock at Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton with pages and pages of coverage. In lengthy editorials, leader writers sought to make sense of w hat, the Times referred to as“ "the most dramatic insurgency in American political history”. Every paper has views on why it happened, of course, and there is a considerable, and somewhat surprising, measure of agreement across the political spectrum.

The Times points out that Trump's base, white working-class men, was bolstered by white women with college degrees, plus nearly one-third of Asian and Hispanic voters. For all of them, Trump“ was the change candidate”". And that change is scary, with the threat to impose stiff tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports.

Trump's victory was, said the Daily Telegraph, “America's Brexit moment". His campaign“ was based on being the outsider who would give the political establishment a bloody nose” Trump“ is not a right winger" in economic terms and, on social policy,“ he has mostly adopted liberal positions". Nor is he a left winger, because he believes in low taxes and has been strident in his comments about immigration. But his protectionism is problematic. It would help no one, said the Telegraph, "least of all those Americans who want Mr. Trump to improve their lives". The Daily Mail reads Trump's win as a revolt against “a complacent liberal elite". It was“ an unmistakable warning to the west's 'we know best’ political class”, who have nothing but“ contempt for the ordinary people w hose interests they profess to hold dear". Voters “were fed up with having their concerns about mass immigration ignored", and were“ sick to death.. of a political class bailing out super -rich bankers while family budgets were relentlessly squeezed". For the Mail, the result is“ a warning to all liberal elites, including the French, Germans and those who seek to frustrate Brexit, of the penalty for ignoring the electorate".

Like the Mail, the Sun also sees an equivalency between the vote for Trump and the vote to leave the EU, contending that “smug lefties ... should condemn less and seck to understand more".

The Guardian is concerned that Trump's presidency could herald America's “most stunning reversal of political and economic orthodoxy since the New Deal in the 1930s", but with the opposite intention and effect.“ It signals a seismic rupture in the American-dominated global liberal economic and political order that had seemed to command the 21st century after communism collapsed and China's economy soared."

In pointing out that Americans had chosen“ a political neophyte" with a simple slogan, “Make America great again", the Financial Times argued that it had revealed“ profound faultlines in American society exposed by the global financial crisis". If Trump carries out his threat to start tariff wars with global partners, “the world will be poorer as a whole" and the consequent “effects on inequality are unlikely to be the ones that Mr. Trump's working-class supporters expect".

So there is a great deal of agreement about why Trump won, but precious little advice on how to cure the problems that gave rise to his victory.

1. What does the following sentence imply?Trump 's victory was, said the Daily Telegraph, “America 's Brexit moment".

A. Trump has adopted liberal positions.

B. Trump was neither right winger nor a left winger.

C. Trump has shown negative attitude towards immigration.

D. Trump represents common people's victory over the political establishment.

2. What view does the Daily Mail hold concerning the win of Trump?

A. Trump wins because he is a supporter of Brexit.

B. Trump satisfies and represents the ordinary people's interests.

C. The liberal elites shouldn't have neglected the electorate power.

D. It is a revenge to the political class 's contempt of the ordinary people.

3. What does the Guardian's general view of Trump's presidency suggest?

A. Trump will reverse the policies written in the New Deal.

B. The US will regain a dominating position in the global economy.

C. Trump w il make America great again.

D. There will be a dramatic change in the global economic and political order.

4. According to the newspapers, the following may be the possible effects of Trump's presidency to the world economy EXCEPT

A. US may start tariff wars with global partners.

B. US may be immune to the global financial crisis.

C. US may impose stiff tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports.

D. US is more likely to adopt protectionism.

5. According to the article, which newspaper demonstrates the most different concern relating to the issue of Trump's election?

A. the Daily Mail

B. The Guardian

C. The Sun

D. the Daily Telegraph


1.A根据文章第 三段的第二句话“he has mostly adopted liberal positions",可知在政策上,特朗普主要采取自由主义的立场。故选A。

2.D根据 文章第三段的最后一句话“a warning to all liberal elites, including the French, Germans and those who seek to frustrate Brexit, of the penalty for ignoring the electorate",可知这是政治阶层蔑视普通选民带来的后果。故选D.

3.D根据第五段最后一句话“It signals a seismic rupture in the American-dominated global liberal economic and political order that had seemed to command the 21st century after communism collapsed and China's economy soared.",可知全球美国主导的全球政治经济都将发生翻天覆地的变化。故选D。

4.B根据倒数第二段第一句话末尾 “profound faultlines in American society exposed by the global financial crisis",可知美国是受到金融危机的影响的,B是错误的。故选B。

5.B根据全 文可知,The Guardian对于特朗普当选表示了对全世界政治经济体制的担忧,其余三份报纸则是表示了和英国脱欧有关的担忧,所以The Guardian是不同的。故选B。

Passage 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the corre sponding Setter A, B, C or D.

Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(10 points, 2 points each).

A review of 172 economics modules at seven UK universities showed that only 22% of exam marks required students to illustrate any critical or independent thinking and this dropped to 6.7% for compulsory modules. It is not an overstatement to say that economics students can go through their entire degree without once being asked to express an opinion. This is at odds With what employers of economics graduates need and what citizens expect from the experts responsible for the health of their economy. The good news then is that universities are beginning to change. Manchester has brought in new modules on economic policy and financial crises and Cambridge has introduced a new module on economic history. Some universities including Greenwich, Goldsmiths and Kingston have gone even further and are fully reforming their curricula. These are major achievements and they illustrate that there is widespread agreement that economics education must be better.

This doesn't mean our campaign is over though; only that the fault lines have shifted. Pretty much everyone now agrees that an economics education must include more history, critical thinking and engagement with the real world. However, the call for pluralism- possibly the most important aspect of our campaign- is still rejected by most universities. Bconomics educ ation currently teaches only one perspective, neoclassical economics: of the 172 module course outlines we analysed, only 17 mentioned alternative perspectives. Tomorrow 's economists are taught that neoclassical economics provides the single correct and universal explanation of how the economy functions.

Opening up economics, by giving the next generation of economists a pluralist education, w ill provide crucially needed tools to address the challenges we face as a society. Every other social science acknowledges the need for pluralism. Refusing to do the same in economics is restricting our collective ability to build healthy and prosperous societies and we are all poorer for it.

6. In the first paragraph, the results of the review suggests that

A. students can get a degree much easier than before

B. students tend to neglect critical thinking and independent judgment

C. universities tend to neglect the training of students critic al thinking

D. economics graduates from universities are at odds w ith employers

7. What does the author say about the current economics education in UK?

A. Economics student are reluctant to express an opinion.

B. Most universities only adhere to neoclassical economics.

C. Universities have generally promoted the recognition for pluralist education in economics.

D. Few universities urged students to study neoclassical economics only.

8. Which of the following statement does NOT support the view that critical thought and independent judgment are important to the economics students?

A. Employers need potential graduates to be able to express opinions.

B. Citizens expect them to enhance a healthy economy.

C. Experts expect them to be responsible for the health of their economy.

D. The future economists need to be able to address the challenges.

9. According to the author, we need pluralism in economics education because,

A. it helps students become experts for a healthy economy

B. it offers universal explanation of how the economy functions

C. it includes more history, critic al thinking and engagement with the real world

D. it is still rejected by most universities

10. Which of the following headings would be most appropriate to the article?

A Economics teaching is still neglecting critic al thought

B. Call for reforming the economics curricula

C. Giving the next generation of economists a pluralist education

D. Survey on the UK economics education


6.C 根据文章第一 段的第一-句话“A review of 172 economics modules at seven UK universities showed that only 22% of exam marks required students to illustrate any critical or independent thinking”,可知第一段探讨的是大学对于学生批判思维能力的培养。故选C。

7.B根据 第二段的最后两句话“Economics education currently teaches only one perspective, neoclassical economics: of the 172 module course outlines we analysed, only 17 mentioned alternative perspectives.Tomorrow 's economists are taught that neoclassical economics provides the single correct and universal explanation of how the economy functions.”,可知新古典主义经济学是大多数大学唯一教授的经济学 。故选B.

8.D根据第一 段第三句话 “what employers of economics graduates need and what citizens expect from the experts responsible for the health of their economy”,可知A、B、C三个选项都是符合批判性思维的要求的,只有D不符合。故选D.

9.A根据第 三段最后一句话“Refusing to do the same in economics is restricting our ollective ability to build healthy and prosperous societies and we are all poorer for it.”,可知经济教育多元化主要是为了更加健康繁荣的经济。故选A。

10.C这篇文章的全文,尤其是是最后一段话,可知全文的主要围绕内容是“Giving the next generation of economists a pluralist education"。 故选C。

Passage 3.

Read the following passage and choose from the phrases marked A to E to fill in the blanks. Write the corresponding ltter A, B, C, D, or E on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points, 2 points each).

Civil-rights campaigner and Congressman John Lewis was in tears as he accepted America's National Book award for young pcople's literature in Manhattan on Wednesday night, speaking of how as a child he had been(11).

Lewis won the prestigious US honor for the third volume of his graphic memoir March, which tells of his vital part in (12) "This is unreal. This is unbelievable." said Lewis as he took to the stage with his visibly moved co-authors Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell.

“I had a wonderful teacher in elementary school who told me: 'Read, my child, read', and I tried to read everything. I love books," said Lewis. “When I was 16 years old, some of my brothers and sisters and cousins were going down to the public library trying to get public library cards, and we were (13)

To come here and receive this award this honor is too much. Thank you."

Lewis has previously described March as (14)but in particular for young people, “to understand(15), to walk through the pages of history to learn about the philosophy and discipline of nonviolence, to be inspired to stand up to speak out and to find a way to get in the way w hen they see something that is not right, not fair, not just".

A. a book“for all of America”

B. the civil rights movement in the 1960s

C. the essence of the civil rights movement

D. told the library was for whites only not for coloureds

E. turned away from the public library for being black


11.D从文中 第三段的年少经历可以看出,刘易斯被告知有色人种不能进入图书馆,即“the library was for whites only not for coloureds".故选D

12.B刘 易斯讲述了在某一个方面的“his vital part”,根据上下文和选项内容可知,应该是参加了“the civil rights movement in the 1960s”。故选B.

13.E从前一句提及“get public library cards",可以得知这件事情是发生在公立图书馆,只有E选项提及这一信息,并且符合文章含义。故选E.

14.A此处是需 要一个短语来描述 “March” 这一.本书, 所以选项A提及书这一-信息, 最符合题意。故选A。

15.C根据第二段 “his graphic memoir March, which tells of his vital part in the civil rights movement in the 1960s”,可知这本书是为了让年轻人知道民权运动的本质。

Passage 4

Read the passage and decide whether each of the following statements is True, or False, or Not Mentioned by choosing the corresponding letter A, B, or C. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points, 2 points cach).

A novel written in a single sentence has won the 2016 Goldsmiths prize, becoming the third Irish w inner in the four-year history of an award set up to reward fiction that“ "breaks the mould or opens up new possibilities for the novel form".

Mike McCormack's Solar Bones is set on All Souls Day in November 2008 and takes place inside the mind of Marcus Conway, a middle-aged engineer from County Mayo in the west of Ireland, who is brought back from the dead to contemplate“ a county with a unique history of people starving and mortifying themselves for higher causes and principles [..] blistered with shrines and grottoes and prayer -houses and hermitages [..] bordered realm of penance and atonement".

The novel emerged as winner at a ceremony in London on Wednesday from a six -strong shortlist, which included Deborah Levy's Booker shortlisted Hot Milk and The Lesser Bohemians by the first winner of the Goldsmiths, Eimear Mc Bride.

Blake Morrison, who chaired the judges, said:“Politics, family, art, marriage, health, civic duty and the environment are just a few of the themes it touches on, in a prose that's lyrical yet firmly rooted. Its subject may be an ordinary working life, but it is itself an extraordinary work."

Solar Bones is published by the small lrish independent Tramp Press, and is the third novel by a writer who has also produced two ollections of short stories. Previously published by Jonathan Cape, McCormack has been "shamefully neglected", according to lrish Times columnist John Waters, who named his 2005 Notes from a Coma as the novel of the noughties. Solar Bones was ineligible for the 2016 Man Booker prize as it was published in Ireland, not the UK.

As well as being the third lrish winner of the f10,000 prize- after Mc Bride and Kevin Barry- 5 1-year-old McCormack was one of three shortlistees this year with roots in Ireland, along with Mc Bride and Anak ana Schofield, W ho w as shortlisted for Martin John.

Morrison told the Guardian books podcast: “There is, without getting too sentimental about it, the great tradition of Irish literature ..there's Joyce and Beckett and there's almost an expectation that you will be a modernist or a postmodernist Also, there are smaller presses in Ireland and support of literature is more generous than in England, so there's more possibility for risk and daring."

Reviewing Solar Bones for the Guardian, Ian Sansom wrote that it “stutters into life, like a desperate incantation or a prose poem, minus full-stops but chock-full of portent". It was, he said,“a hymn to modern small-town lfe", with its “rites, rhythms and rituals/upholding the world like solar bones".

16. The Goldsmiths prize has been set up only for four years.

A. True

B. False

C. Not Mentioned

17. McBride, Kevin Barry and McCormack are all Irish writers who have won the Goldsmiths prize.

A. True

B. False .

C. Not Mentioned

18. Irish literature has a great tradition of portraying the ordinary working life.

A. True

B. False

C. Not Mentioned

19. Solar Bones was not listed for the 2016 Man Booker prize because it was published in Ireland.

A. True

B. False

C. Not Mentioned

20. Mc Comack has won the prize because Irish presses support literature more generously than that in England.

A. True

B. False

C. Not Mentioned


16.A文章在第一 段提到赢得 2016年金匠奖的这部小说是该奖四年历史里第三个爱尔兰获奖者。由此可知该奖项已经举办四年了。故选A。.

17.A根据文章倒数第三段第一 -句话“As well as being the third Irish winner of the £10,000 prize- after Mc Bride and Kevin Barry- -51-year-old McCormack was one of three shortlistees this year with roots in Ireland”,可知题目中所涉及的三个作者都是爱尔兰人并且都获奖。故选A。

18.B 根据倒数第二段第二句话“there's almost an expectation that you will be a modernist or a postmodernist”,可知爱尔兰的文学传统并不是描述平凡的生活。故选B。

19.A根据倒数第四段的最后 - -句话“Solar Bones was ineligible for the 2016 Man Booker prize as it was published in Ireland, not the UK.",可知这一题是正确的。 故选A。

20.B根据 第四段最后一句话“it is itself an extraordinary work”,可知获奖不是因为爱尔兰的出版社而是作品本身非常优秀。故选B。

Part II Writing (30%)

Write a report of NO LESS THAN 350 words in English to analyze the current situation, strategy and significance of China 's overseas investment, based on the information given below and the data in Table I. Your writing will be assessed in terms of length, formnats structure, content and language quality. Write your report on the ANSWER SHEET (30 points).

In 2015, the overseas direct investment (excluding banking, securities and insurance) by Chinese investors was $118.0 billion, up by 14.7% over the previous year. Among the investment, Chinese investors directly invested $14.8 billion in countries along the Belt and Road, an increase of 18.2%. By the end of 2015, Chinese investment reached $46.6 billion and created more than 100,000 jobs in the US.

Table 1: China's Total Value of Overseas Direct Investment in Non-financial Sectors and the Growth Rates in 2015



According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, China's total value of overseas direct investment in non-financial sectors by Chinese investors was 118.02 billion US dollars, increasing by 14.7% compared with the statistics of the previous year. The Belt and Road along which Chinese investors directly invested 14.8 billion US dollars played a significant role for the extraordinary achievement in China's oversea direct investment which reached 46.6 billion US dollars and made more than one hundred thousand American people get employment and earnings.

The overseas direct investment excluding banking, securities and insurance can be primarily divided into 10 sectors, in which in 2015 the sector of leasing and business services accounted for the largest with 41.67 billion US dollars. Compared with the number in 2014, the investment in this sector increased by 11 .9%, which was a slight rise. What was second to leasing and business services was the sector of wholesale and retail trades, of which the investment was 16.02 billion US dollar, no more than half of the leasing and business services, but the proportion in all investment was more than one eighth. The third highest sector w as manufacturing in 2015, up to14.35 billion US dollars, up by 105.9% over the previous year. The fourth w as the direct investment of mining up to 10.85 billion US dollars, but decreased by 43.9%. Only the investment of these four sectors exceeded 10 billion US dollars in 2015.

As to the six sectors w hose investment were lower than 10 billion, that of real estate was the highest, up to 9.06 billion US dollars, and increased by 193.2% over the previous year. The investment of the sector of information transmission, software and information technology was the second highest, up to 5.78 billion US dollars and up by 240.0% compared with that of 2014. That of the sector of construction accounted for the third largest--the investment was 4.50 billion US dollars. The last three sectors that held the lowest investment were agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, production and supply of electricity, gas and water, and transport, storage and post service, whose investment was respectively 2.05, 2.79 and 3.09 US dollars, up by17.8%, 51.6% and 5.5% over the previous year.

Compared with that in 2014, the overseas direct investment in total displayed strong momentum. In all the ten sectors, the sector of information transmission, software and information technology had the best development prospect, second to real estate and manufacturing. In contrast, the prospect of mining and construction was not promising.


这篇文章需要描述的是2015年中国非金融领域对外直接投资总额的情形和与2014年之间的比较分析。文章总共分为四个段落。第一段描述对外直接投资总额的总体态势和相关数据,与2014 年先从总体上进行比较分析。第二段和第三段对各个部门的对外直接投资额进行细化分析。第二段优先分析投资额较大的一部分部门并对其特点进行一些分析。第三段分析剩余部门的投资额和与2014年投资额的对比情况。最后一段总结归纳,从总体上分析投资额的发展态势,总结全文。


关键字: 【责任编辑:小青】
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