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1、Budget deficit 



2、Countervailing duty


反倾销税,是指一国对本国进口商征收的一种关税,以防止其他国家倾销。 根据《GATT 1994》第六条第一款的规定,一国的产品以低于正常价值的方式出口到其他国家,从而对缔约国领土上的既定产业造成物质损害或物质伤害的威胁,或严重阻碍在该国建立新产业,这种行为构成倾销。 在实践中,抵制倾销最重要和最有效的措施是征收反倾销税。

3、Equity capital



4、Currency swap



5、Corporate social responsibility






Dumping, in economics, is a kind of injuring pricing, especially in the context of international trade. It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price below the normal price with an injuring effect. The objective of dumping is to increase market share in a foreign market by driving out competition and thereby create a monopoly situation where the exporter will be able to unilaterally dictate price and quality of the product.


【参考答案】marginal cost

Marginal Cost is an increase in total cost that results from a one unit increase in output. It is defined as "the cost that results from a one unit change in the production rate".


【参考答案】The Belt and Road Initiative

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 involving infrastructure development and investments in 152 countries and international organizations in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas.


【参考答案】the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (the 13th Five-Year Plan )

The 13th FYP lays out a 6.5 percent average annual growth target in an effort to achieve a “moderately prosperous society” by 2020. This 6.5 percent target is critical for the government to double China's 2010 level of GDP by 2020.


【参考答案】Breakeven Pricing

Breakeven pricing is the practice of setting a price point at which a business will earn zero profits on a sale. The intention is to use low prices as a tool to gain market share and drive competitors from the marketplace.


African countries have, largely unsuccessfully, tried many approaches over the past 50 years to develop manufacturing. Despite this, the ambition remains. However, new and emerging technologies associated with the "new industrial revolution" will have to be mastered.

One of the largest manufacturing sub- sectors in Africa is food and beverages. Trends such as population growth, urbanization and the rise of the middle class are increasing the demand for more, better quality and more diversified food products. It is a huge opportunity for manufacturing.

Emerging technologies such as AI and 3D-printingcan play a catalysing role. AI applications being implemented elsewhere a real ready contributing to improving food production from the “farm to the fork”, for instance, by helping farmers to monitor growing conditions and to identify crop diseases timeously, by tracking products along the entire supply chain, by improving food-sorting and equipment-cleaning, by monitoring hygiene in factories, and by helping entrepreneurs develop new products. Block chain, a new digital technology that creates trust between parties and reduces the need for intermediaries, can help in this by improving the functioning of financial and land markets. 3D printing is contributing to the "mass customization" of new food products. It will not only drive customization of products to more closely meet consumer needs, but may also democratize production and innovation.

Boosting African industrialization through food processing will require drought-proofing agriculture, given that the continent is one of those worst affected by climate change. This is an opportunity for” green” industrialization and promotion of the circular economy. Africa has nine times the solar potential of Europe and an annual equivalent to one hundred million tons of oil. With such considerable potential energy resources, the costs of electricity, one of the most vital inputs into manufacturing, should drop significantly in Africa in years to come.

How do African countries harness these opportunities? Yes, there is a digital divide and yes, Africa lags behind in terms of many indicators of participation in the digital economy. Yes, there may not at present be enough science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills available in local labour markets. However, in the digital economy, leapfrogging is possible. Kenya is already a world leader in financial technology. And new mobile technology is already being used to stream video lectures into African classrooms: there is nothing inevitable or permanent as far as the skills gap is concerned.

It is wrong to argue that Africa should still be investing in traditional manufacturing sectors based on the idea that somehow this will give African countries the experience to "learn" how to industrialize. There is little opportunity in "old" industries where useful learning can occur in the age of disruptive digital manufacturing. In fact, it may only serve to lock certain countries into dead-end manufacturing sectors. What is far more sensible today is to invest in entrepreneurial ability. Africa has great entrepreneurs. Let’s start now to build the start-up ecosystems that can generate the future giants of African manufacturing.



食品和饮料业是非洲制造业中最大的子行业。随着人口增长、城市化的发展和中产阶级的崛起,人们对更多、更高质量和更多样化食品的需求正在不断增加。 制造业孕育巨大机遇。



非洲国家如何把握这些机会? 是的,存在数字鸿沟。就参与数字经济的诸多指标上而言,非洲远远落后了。非洲当地劳动力市场目前可能没有足够的科学、技术、工程和数学技能。 但是,在数字经济中,实现跨越是有可能的。 比如,肯尼亚已经是世界金融技术领域的领导者。 并且新的移动技术已经实现将视频讲座传播到非洲教室:就技能缺口而言,没有什么是不可避免的或永久性的。








This May we conducted a study tour on free urban compulsory education across Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and discovered that the far-reaching policy has produced a far-reaching impact on local education.

There are 32 cities and regions in Inner Mongolia. In the autumn of 2006, the local government exempted all students in compulsory education in 14 cities, including Manzhouli and Erenhot, from tuition fees and miscellaneous fees. A year later, eligible students in another 18 cities were included in the same program.

The rollout of this policy promotes the sound and stable development of local compulsory education, ensures access to education among school-age children and reduces the dropout rate in compulsoryeducation. It also reduces the financial burden on low-income urban families,and in particular, delivers tangible benefits to those that live on subsistence allowances, have laid-off parents and many children, and those formed by migrant workers. During the tour we were impressed by the ardent support for the policy among local parents and students, especially those from low-income families.

In addition, the government offers textbooks for free to the students, and free exercise books are also made available in Dongsheng District, Erdos.

The local government also works in different ways to protect the rights of children of migrant workers and ensure their full access to compulsory education. By the end of 2007, all the 206,000 children of migrant workers across the region, as their urban peers, were exempted from tuition fees and miscellaneous fees.


关键字: 【责任编辑:小青】
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